Requests and permission worksheets

Requests and permission worksheets

Here is a free making polite requests worksheet activity to help students practice the language for making, accepting and declining polite requests. This worksheet presents modal verbs and structures used for making requests and offers, asking for and giving permission as well as making invitations.

The worksheet is suitable for both classroom practice and self-study. Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner. Here is an asking permission worksheet to help students practice language for asking, giving and refusing permission.

Requests and permission worksheets

The students begin by using ten polite phrases to ask permission for the items shown on their worksheet. The two aims are: students recognise and use basic everyday ph.

Downloads Offers, requests, asking for permission. There are currently worksheets in this section to help you turn your students into very polite individuals. Welcome to the polite requests category. The variety of activities available means that there is something suitable for every age and ability level.

Requests and permission worksheets

Here is a basic polite requests worksheet for elementary and pre-intermediate students. Showing top worksheets in the category - Permission. You have reached the permission vocabulary part of Busy Teacher. Hopefully you will find what you are looking for among the worksheets teachers have submitted on this particular topic.

Some of the worksheets displayed are Teachers notes polite requests, Teachers notes indirect questions, Modals review, The right job, How to ask politely, Speak up guide, Matters, Modals. This is a free intermediate English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. No sign-up required. Once you find your worksheet, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download.

Worksheet will open in a new window. Making requests and asking for permission. Can For Permission. Read the conversations below and fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the lists.

Unlike statements, when asking for permission or making a request, we use reverse order, i. Asking for permission. They write a dialogue which includes the responses to the questions. Students practise reading the dialogue aloud and then read it out to another pair. Monitor while they work to check they are using the language correctly.

Look at the other person. Be specific when you ask permission. The other person should know exactly what you are requesting. Be sure to ask rather than demand. Accept the decision. Give reasons if necessary.

There are many ways of making requests and asking for permission in English. Where would you like to stand? Hey Mike, may I turn-on the air-conditioner? Could I have some coffee?

May I go out, please? Would you mind if I close the door?


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